Monday, August 8, 2011

The Convenience Factor

(pocket where the book can stay)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Combined Solution

Through my research, I have discovered that a few of my solution ideas would work best as one.

I am creating a pocket-sized booklet with education on the 5 main minerals/vitamins that vegans and vegetarians are lacking (I have created 5 icons for each). As well, this booklet as contains two different grocery lists and a few recipes to get vegans/vegetarians started on their way to healthy eating.

Further research proved that these communities favor more to the sustainable side. A key finding (through observing and talking with people), convenience is a key factor. I have designed reusable bags that contain a pocket, which the booklet will always remain. This way, their bags (with the logo printed on it) is a way of informing the community, and their "little reminder" will never be misplaced.

To push this healthy education and awareness, I placed the logo on stickers and buttons that the veggie community can hand out to one another, being about to really spread the word.


"Vegucate Your Plate"

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


It was hypothesized that by creating an educational tool, young adults will become aware which foods to consume in order to maintain healthy eating habits while being vegan or vegetarian.
It was hypothesized that with convenience at hand, vegans and vegetarians will be more adapt to keeping up with healthy eating habits.

Possible Solution Ideas

Key Information:

Grocery shop 3/4 times a months.....estimates close to once a week
Observe many making/having/carrying their own lunchs (made own food)
Trend in: earth friendly, sustainable, resealable bags, convenience

1. Map: veggie stores, where can BUY the food: convenience of knowing where
2. Quick guide receipe book: list 5-15 quick meals with all necessary minerals/vitamins
3. Visual Poster/ad campagain: Icons that represent each of the 5 main minerals
4. Reusable bag: print info (icons), remember
5. Quick guide pocket book

Saturday, July 23, 2011


From surveys: "Young Adults" are between 20-24 years old.

They grocery shop 3-4 times a month. (Almost once a week)

From observations: Trend in veggie culture-sustainable products, reusable bags, convenience of goods.

Solution focusing: The food products that veggies actually buy, grocery shopping and how they do it. Tie in something (solution) that will be convenient for veggies when they are grocery shopping or making food on their own.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Main Focuses

After researching everything, I have found 5 main minerals and vitamins that are necessary for vegan/vegetarian consumption on a daily basis:

Vitamin B-12

I want to focus on getting veggies to eat foods enriched with these 5 listed above.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011

PERT Chart follows along with my timeline, modeling after a Zinc molecule (necessary to maintain while eating a non-meat and/or dairy diet)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

My TImeline (Zinc Molecule) UPDATED

New Finding: 3 key minerals/vitamins that vegans and vegetarians are missing through the foods they do not eat are zinc, iron, and vitamin B-12. I am now focusing my research on how to educate young adults in which foods contain these elements so that their diets remain well balanced.

My Problem and Purpose

Problem: Many young adults in the United States turn vegan or vegetarian for various reasons and may often be unaware of the effects on their physical health.  

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a method of educating young adults residing in San Francisco on how to maintain a healthy diet when certain foods are taken out.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Who Katie Is

I am a graduating senior at San Francisco State University obtaining a BS in Visual Communication Design, and two minors in Marketing and Cinema. Starting in the fall after I graduate, I am enrolled in SFSU for one more year to earn a teaching credential in Art. With this said, I have two career goals that I wish to pursue. First off, being a Cinema Minor, I am looking to get into set designing and promoting for small theaters or film companies. It has always been a passion of mine to work behind the scenes. During my four years of high school, I worked on all the high school plays as lead set designer and stage manager. With this experience, and my newly obtained education, I want to help the local theater/film companies gain the appreciation they deserve. As well, I am highly interested in teaching Computer Art to high school students (which is were I first learned how much I love and enjoy the aspect of designing). I am currently placed at Abraham Lincoln High School in the Sunset District where I will be aiding teachers throughout their art courses.

This crazy man (my nephew Phoenix) is what drives me to do my best so that he can live in a world/family that is strong, caring, and creative. If you know anything about me, you would understand my love for him, my family, my friends, and everything that makes me smile. I am deeply inspired by the world itself. I love observing everything out there and take insights on what could be changed/helped with my input. As well, I feed off my family and friends. They mean everything to me and, because of this, they have always come first in times of need. No one can stand alone and I find it very important to keep those who love you, and you love back, close to you.

Once I am finished with school, I hope to travel the world and experience what it is like being a designer in different countries. I have backpacked throughout Italy and Switzerland and would love to go back. My next trip is to travel Spain and find out what influences Spanish design and architecture. Being in love with Spanish architecture, I want to view first hand and hopefully be able to translate that into set designing here in America.

Six Words That Describe Me:
